Joan Miquel Oliver

Live Music

Joan Miquel Oliver




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After Antònia Font’s triumphant reunion tour, it’s time to go back to the songs that Joan Miquel Oliver has made and defended all these years by himself. In reality, it is the same composer in both bands: any song by Antònia Font could be by a Joanmi solo song and vice versa. We are thinking in ‘Final feliç’, ‘Honey’, ‘Marès a radial’, ‘Surfistes a càmera lenta’… They are all good!

Poetic, surreal and with an immense talent for catchy melodies and impressionistic and unpredictable lyrics, Oliver already has an extensive discography under his name, the latest title of which is ‘Electronic devices’. We can’t wait to see him live on September 28th in Time Out Market’s free cultural program!

Make the most of the evening with drinks and a bite to eat before or after the show and experience the best of Barcelona all under one roof with spectacular views to match.