Workshops de Cozinha Time Out Market



Masterkids Italy – Lasagna

Masterkids is a workshop for little ones and the whole family. Some say that the secret to a good lasagna is the pasta, some say it’s the sauce, we say it’s everything, from the meat to the tomato sauce, without forgetting the pasta. In this workshop, chef Miguel Mesquita will teach you all the tricks for a perfect lasagna. Bring your mini-chefs to the Time Out Academy to learn how to cook this Italian classic.
Recipe: Lasagna.
Workshop not suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

– Duration 1h30m – Includes workshop, lunch, drinks and dessert.
– The workshops start promptly at the scheduled time.
– 1 ticket is valid for 1 adult + 1 child (aged 6 to 14).
– Mandatory presence of an adult + child.
– Age: Over 6 years.
– Main language of the workshop: Portuguese.
– If you have any intolerance, restriction or food allergy, please send us an email (before making the purchase) to [email protected]. Academia Time Out will evaluate the possibility of adapting the workshop and respond accordingly. by email.
– We do not make returns or refunds of tickets issued. If you wish to cancel, you will have to cancel. You must inform us by email at [email protected] at least 10 days in advance.
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